Tuesday, February 25, 2014

All over the place

That seems to be my motto when it comes to blogging. I have no idea why but I keep flitting from one blog to the other with no concern for my silent, ghostly, pretend readers. I'm sorry about that. I love all of my blogs equally and I can't bear to neglect any, though this one seems to be the most neglected.

Right now, at this precise moment in time, I am extremely content with life. I am alone in a strange land, but I am also free. I have so much to look forward to, but my present is beautiful too. I am extremely blessed. I feel so happy that I am afraid to share it for fear of jinxing it, or incurring the envy of others. It's difficult to not be paranoid about it. You know how, when you hit rock bottom, the only place to go is up? When you feel like you're soaring is when you most fear falling. That's what I feel now days.

But I'm not letting this stop me from being grateful for what I have in this phase of my life. I'm putting it down in words so I can always look back at this. You know I have a propensity to be dramatic every time I get the blues. Thankfully it never lasts, but through these posts I hope I shall always remember the beautiful times that I've lived.

I saw Walt Disney World. I explored Universal, and saw Harry Potter World. I had butter beer for God's sake. I rode on every single ride including all the Disney Princess ones. I experienced crazy water slides for the first time in my life. I traveled in a Red Mustang convertible with the top down across 51 bridges on the ocean. I went snorkeling, rode a jet ski, a banana boat, kayaked and para-sailed. I para sailed over the Atlantic ocean. I swam and floated in the Atlantic Ocean. I don't even know how to swim! I spent whole days just lying on the beach in Miami, reading. I walked for miles and miles and went where ever my heart dictated. I had ice cream every single day. I talked to strangers and smiled at random people on the bus who helped find our destination. I figured out the public transport system in every city I traveled to. I took a bus alone across Florida, and then again from New Jersey to Boston. I sang a horrible song on karaoke at a party on New Years eve. And this was just winter break.

This is what it's been like, when it's been good. There has also been a lot of heart burn and stress due to finance, accounting, operations, economics, etc. You get the drift. Lots of exams, presentations, assignments and crazy amounts of reading. 12 hour days and 12 hour exams. Then coming back home and figuring out what to eat. Grocery runs, getting my SSN and completing tax documents. It's hectic and it's crazy and it's all very grown up.

But it all ties in together to make the whole worth all the work.

Key West, Dec' 2013

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