Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lessons [part two]

34. The worst way to spend life is with regrets.
35. Leaving is easy. Going back is very, very difficult.
36. Photographs are important. People will leave, time will change, photographs are forever.
37. Remember to make back-up files if you want your photographs to be forever.
38. There will always be people who take photographs, and then don’t share them. You can beg till you’re blue in the face, but to no avail. You’ve got to learn to forgive them.
39. Do not get your photographs taken by the people who have a history of not sharing them. It only adds to your heart-ache.
40. Blue? Put up a sad status on facebook. People WILL make you feel better.
41. The people who get you food when you’re sad are your real friends.
42. Don’t change too much because of someone else. One day, they will change or leave, and you won’t know how to go back to being yourself.
43. Deciding who to get married to is very, very, VERY difficult.
44. Deciding WHEN to get married is also very, very, VERY difficult.
45. Physical exertion is the BEST way to get over anything.
46. Basketball ftw.
47. Just because someone’s older doesn’t mean they’re smarter.
48. Dark circles suck.
49. Cooking is fun only as long as you don’t have to do the dishes.
50. Pets and babies are cute. Potty training is a bitch.
51. Mothers HAVE to get super angry at you atleast once a month. It’s in their job description.
52. It’s the little things that will always matter.
53. Being random is fun.
54. People will always talk behind your back. Remember “mujhe farq ni parta”, and give them better material to build upon.
55. Lists help.
56. Never give your significant other the address to your blog.
57. The people who will leave will do so, regardless of whatever you do to try to hold them to you. You can only delay the inevitable.
58. You cannot change anyone’s nature.
59. There is no such thing as ‘forever’. Nothing is ‘forever’.
60. 90% guys will be exactly like their fathers.
61. Some people will pity you for wanting to get married and have babies. Some people will pity you for not wanting to get married and have babies.
62. Staying happy is something you have to constantly work to achieve.
63. When you obsess and worry over one thing possibly going wrong, something absolutely unexpected probably will.
64. In hindsight, you will always be "better off now" and things will have always "turned out for the best".
65. A broken heart mends faster than you ever think it could.
66. Nothing stops hair fall.
67. The HR people will always be nice, even when there's no chance in hell of you ever getting that job.
68. Guys make better friends than girls, most of the time.
69. Every once in a while, you need time away from every single person you know, to be able to make some sense of life.

To be continued.


  1. liked the lessons..they r true :)

  2. Hello fellow list maker. I even make lists of what the issues I want to talk about with someone, especially when have had a bad fight. So yes, your post truly inspires me, I think I will write a similar one. Lovely blog by the way.

  3. Remember to make back-up files if you want your photographs to be forever.

  4. Smart people will pity you for wanting to get married and have babies

  5. Majworld, thanks =]

    BM, I do tooo! =D the arguments get so much more organized =p =D Thank you =)

    Ali, you think all I've got to show for my 22 years are a paltry 68 points? And back-up wala point is in there some where =p

  6. i know , this was my acknowledgement of it !


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