Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Utterly alone. That's the way I feel inside. Even while my mind tells me this isn't true. I have family and friends, a fiance who loves me, a lot of people I can talk to. But somehow it feels as if I can't get through to anyone. I went out with friends today because I know that is this actually is depression I have to make an effort to get out of it by doing things that would normally make me happy. I baked a pavlova, regardless of the 50 degree Celsius heat, and then I went to dinner with friends. But all the time I sat there I felt as if we were on different planes. There was just no connection. I talk to my fiance everyday, and it's the same with him. It feels as if they can't hear me. This makes me angry, because I start feeling as if they don't care enough to try and find out, or make it better. Because it feels as if they aren't trying to understand. There is nothing wrong, I KNOW that. But I'm not okay, and I know that too.

Now that I have it all written down it sounds so melodramatic, something a teenager would say. I pride myself on generally being a happy and content person, even with my penchant of worrying too much. So this is kind of a disappointment. Lets hope this stupid phase ends soon.

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