Sunday, June 9, 2013


We know how I only write when I'm upset, despite my efforts to the contrary. Well, after absolutely ages, I'm seriously upset. And what is more depressing is that I have no one. absolutely NO person, to talk to.

This is depressing because otherwise, I have a ton of friends. I have a huge circle of peers, and lots of people who will "like" my photos and comment on my online activities. I also have a large number of "real" life friends. But now days I feel disconnected from everyone. Isn't that grand? We place so much importance on these connections, seeking validation all the time. But for now, I feel as if I can't talk to anyone, because I don't know if they will understand. I don't know what to say to them. I don't know why I'm feeling the way I am. I have no clue why I'm depressed.

My brain keeps reminding itself of all the reasons I should NOT be depressed. Almost two months ago I got engaged to an amazing guy I'm totally in love with. I've gotten a prestigious scholarship award and got admitted to the university of my choice, a university ranked #1 in the world for the last 20 years, in the degree I'm going for. Two years, all expense paid, in the US, and coming back with an awesome degree. I have it all going for me, and believe me, I'm thankful. Very, very thankful.

So WHY am I feeling depressed. I don't feel like meeting anyone, or conversing, or cooking or baking, or even washing my face. I want to run away. I want to curl up somewhere, and hide. And I just don't know why.

25-02-14: Of course I was depressed. I was all set to leave for a whole new world, leaving everything I knew behind. My family, friends, the Boy, everything would be so far away. It would've been weirder if I hadn't felt the way I was feeling! Aaah, hindsight is always fun. 


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